I can't believe I'm sitting here in a supposed penis specialist's office. My step-mother thought it necessary to bring me to a cock doctor just because I'm nineteen and have not ever had a girlfriend. I may have mentioned I hate the size of my penis to her half jokingly and now here I am about to find out if I am well equipped or below average. My step-mom is kind of neurotic that way, thinking everything has to be approved or disapproved by a doctor. I had no idea what to expect at this appointment and I certainly didn't expect my Dr. to be a D.I.L.F. (Doctor, I'd, Like, to Fuck).
I can't believe I'm sitting here in a supposed penis specialist's office. My step-mother thought it necessary to bring me to a cock doctor just because I'm nineteen and have not ever had a girlfriend. I may have mentioned I hate the size of my penis to her half jokingly and now here I am about to find out if I am well equipped or below average. My step-mom is kind of neurotic that way, thinking everything has to be approved or disapproved by a doctor. I had no idea what to expect at this appointment and I certainly didn't expect my Dr. to be a D.I.L.F. (Doctor, I'd, Like, to Fuck).
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